Helpful Forms

On this page you will find links to helpful forms. These forms include:

An Introduction of myself for you or for you share with any therapists or teachers with whom we may be collaborating so they can get to know me a bit.

A Brief Description of Services. This is a reiteration of the information on this site.

An overview of the Video Analysis & File Review Service (VA&FR).

Specific Instructions for collecting video samples. Families are invited to submit video sample for both the VA&FR and Full Evaluations. These can be extremely valuable. It is always nice to see the child where they are most comfortable and at home.

Brief Case History Form: needed for Full Evaluation and the Video Analysis & File Review

A Pre-Consult Form: This form allows the family to communicate specific areas they want to cover, or questions, or simply to provide and orientation prior to our real time consultation. This form can be downloaded, fill-able out on line, and emailed back to LTC ( prior to your consult.

“How and Where” to submit large files; in particular video files. LTC uses HIGHTAIL for larger files. HIGHTAIL is straightforward, secure, reliable, and easy to use.

An orientation to using Late Talker’s Self-Scheduler. Families can self-schedule the majority of services offered on this web site!

Finally, there is a summary of LTC’s Feen Schedule and Billing system.

These forms are meant to be helpful and answer questions. There are always unanswered questions given every unique family, unique child, and unique set of circumstances. Please know LTC welcomes and, in fact, encourages you to contact them via phone or email with any additional conversation that is required to best help us help you and your child. We are happy to speak with you.